Can I cancel a timed auction item after bidding has started?

While we hope this is not the case, sometimes consignors decide they don’t want to part with an item at the last minute, or other unforeseen situations arise where an item needs to be removed from the auction. If an item must be removed from your auction, you can click the trash icon on the right side of the item row you wish to delete from the “Items” tab of your dashboard. If there are any active bidders on the item, they’ll be sent a courtesy email letting them know that the item has been removed from the auction.

If you need to remove the entire sale as well as all items within, you may do so from the “Sales” tab of your account. We recommend first sending an email to all bidders via your messaging center notifying them of the cancelation. After that, you can simply click the trash icon to the right side of the sale.

If there have been no bids on any items and you need to temporarily take the auction offline, you may also choose to "Unpublish" a timed auction.

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