How do I send an invoice to all winning bidders of my sale?

It’s possible to send an invoice to all winning bidders of a specific sale all at once! First, go to the “Invoices” tab of your Seller dashboard and use the filter controls at the top of the invoice list to filter all invoices by sale. Then, select which invoices you want to send by checking the box next to each, or use the “Select All” checkbox at the top of the invoice list to select all invoices. Once you have selected some invoices, you can then use the “With Selected” drop down menu at the top of the invoice list to perform bulk operations. Select the “Email” option. You can then enter what status you wish to move the selected invoices into, as well as a custom message which will appear at the bottom of all sent invoices. Note that if you have enabled the online payment options for your sale, you will need to move the invoice statuses to "Unpaid" in order for those invoices to become payable by the user or chargeable online.

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