How to upload items to your sale by using the Bulk Items Uploader


The Bulk Items Uploader can be used to create or update multiple items in your sale in a faster and more efficient way than by manually adding them one-by-one through the user interface. Its the perfect tool for managing large auction catalogs.

Uploading your Items list

You can create multiple items for your sale by uploading a comma separated or Excel file containing the values for your item list.

File Types

The following file types are permitted.

  • Comma separated text file: .csv
  • Excel Spreadsheet: .xls, .xlsx
  • Compressed Zip : .zip

Creating your Items List

  • First, download the items .csv file at the top of the page. The file has been pre-filled with the headings and values for existing items in your sale.
  • Each sale item should be on its own line.
  • The “id” field for new items should be left blank.
  • The “id” field is unique to each sale item and will be pre-filled for existing items.
  • You can either set the “enable_bidding” field to ‘1’ or enter a value in the “buynow_price” field.
  • Pricing fields do not require a dollar sign.
  • The “consignor_commission” field is a percentage (no symbol required).

Once you have finished editing your downloaded items file, upload the modified file by clicking the “Select File” button in Step 2.

Uploading your Item Images

You can add images to your items by uploading a compressed zip of the images to be associated with your item.

File Types

The following file types are permitted.

  • JPEG Files: .JPG
  • PNG Files: .PNG

Naming your Image files

  • Image file names should contain an image prefix that is separated from a three digit number by a hyphen (-), followed by the file extension as specified below.
    • The image prefix in an image’s file name corresponds to the “image prefix” field in your upload file, designating the sale item that an image is associated with.
      E.g. ES001-XXX.JPG for all images in the first item.
    • The last three digits of an image’s file name corresponds to the order in which the images should be displayed in your sale item.
      E.g. ESXXX-002.JPG for the second image in your item.
  • The first image for an item will be used as its cover image.
    E.g. ES001-001.JPG will be used as the cover image.

Updating existing items

You can update existing items in your sale by uploading a modified items list with the following requirements.

  • The “id” field for existing items should contain the item id of the item to be updated.
  • The following fields may not be modified once bidding has started on an item.
    • buynow_price
    • bidding
    • buyers_premium
    • starting_price
    • reserve_price

Bulk Upload Tool Video Walkthrough

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